We grow Grass Fed & Grass Finished Beef!
Contact us to get on our sales list!
For more information read below...
We sell...
Farm Fresh
Locally Grown
Pasture Raised
Grass Fed & Finished Beef
See pricing and options below.

Mama Cows on a Mission...

A new bulf calf...

Mama Cows on a Mission...
Beef by the 1/4, 1/2 or Whole

How Big? We produce market sized beef that is finished between 1000 and 1200 pounds. This beef will have a hanging weight between 450 and 800 pounds.
How Much? We charge $4.50 a pound hanging weight. Most of our customers purchase a 1/4 or a 1/2 cow. A quarter will run you between $725-$1,100 total cost (including harvest, cut and wrap).
First Time Buyer? We help you order your beef by giving you tips and advice on your cuts, and helping you anticipate the questions the butcher will ask. We use Sharp’s Custom Cutting (formerly Voget’s) in Hubbard Oregon. Sharp’s charges by the pound for cut and wrap (plus harvest fees per quarter). You are able to make many decisions about the cuts of your meat, the size of your packages and more.
2025 Pricing Estimate for a 1/4 beef... Total cost $1,100. You pay the butcher around $300 for butchering, cut, and wrap. You pay us around $700 for the "hanging weight". Exact pricing will be based on the actual weight at harvest.
Interested? Contact Kathy kathyanncarpenter@gmail.com and she will start a dialogue with you. We anticipate that our first time customers will have lots of questions and we love to answer them! Ask away. If you already know you want to buy...let her know! We'll get you on the list and provide you with "next step" instructions!
Carpenter's Corner

Locally Grown.
We are Ron and Kathy Carpenter. We have owned a small farm in Canby, Oregon since 2001. At Carpenter’s Corner we strive to grow the healthiest, best tasting (not too fat and not too lean) grass fed beef for you. Carpenter’s Corner leases about 150 acres to pasture graze the cattle and to grow local grass hay for harvest.
Pasture Raised.
We raise our cows the old-fashioned farm way: in a pasture with proper minerals, water, nutrients, and of course plenty of grass.
Grass Fed. Grass Finished.
Our cows are all raised on quality grass in a pasture. We feed them hay that we grow and harvest ourselves (including orchard, timothy, local and sedan grass). Most of our cows will have some grain as a freshly weaned calf to nurture and train them and to acclimate them to new surroundings. We occasionally feed grass pellets as we are finishing them, depending on the season.
About Us
A Little More Info
We are Ron and Kat Carpenter. We moved to Canby from Willamina in 1990. We've been married for almost 40 years! We raised four children (all grown and married); we have nine wonderful GRANDKIDS!!!! We are part of a great church family; and we are very thankful for our blessings! Ron is a gospel preacher, and in our "free" time we raise cattle. We raise them the old-fashioned farm way: in a pasture, with proper minerals, water, nutrients, plenty of grass and of course TLC!